Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java(tm). But Welcome to the Toasty-Fried Co-Op (Un)Official Web Page!
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Welcome to the (un)Official ToastyFried Co-Op web site. There are no assigned seats, so join us!

This site is brand spanking new as of 6/17/2001 and is under construction.

It was created in the hopes that past and future members of the ToastyFried Co-Op (not the official name) can meet yet again, reminisce, and yet meet again!

Thanks for joining us and don't get all mushy!

Members of the ToastyFried Co-Op: Welcome! Submissions to the site are welcome!

This site was created by Gerald Young to provide Toasty Alumni with a place to see and be seen.

So, if you want to be toastyfried, get your own email!
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The ToastyFried Co-Op SiteRing

This site owned by
Gerald Young
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